My Modern Met: 8 Print Artists That Will Inspire You to Try Silk Screen Printing at Home by Emma Taggart on January 20, 2018
Archives for January 2018
KQED Arts: One Year Later, How Are Artists Dealing With Trump? by Rachael Myrow
From KQED Arts: One Year Later, How Are Artists Dealing With Trump? by Rachael Myrow on January 19, 2018.
As KQED Arts reported last year, rock poster artist Chuck Sperry turned his attention in 2017 toward politics, designing posters for both the Women’s March and the March for Science.
When we caught up with him this year, he’d just delivered 4,500 posters to Las Vegas and Washington, D.C. for their respective Women’s Marches on Jan. 20. This year, he plans to be in Oakland and San Francisco distributing his posters by hand and protesting the current administration, which he calls “anti-democratic, autocratic even. We need to take back control of Congress. My efforts are aimed at preserving our democracy, which is a very basic American core issue.”
For his part, Sperry vows to continue to create art for marches and other resistance activities until the current administration is removed from power. And he knows he’s not alone.
“I have been encouraged by the commitment of people who have spoken out strongly and in no uncertain terms against the ignorance, corruption and bigotry of the government in power,” he says. “The party in power has so debased its own values that there will be a reckoning from the common-sense American voter. We need to keep on the offensive, be seen on the streets, and heard in the media.” — Rachael Myrow
Ron Donovan Memorial in San Francisco
I have been busy printing posters for my old friend and partner Ron Donovan. All of Ron’s friends and family will be gathering to have a big blow out for our dear departed Hawaiian International Silkscreen Superstar! Here’s a tease of three of the six posters which will be released at the Parkside in San Francisco on Sunday, January 21 at 6 pm.
Posters below are by me, Chris Shaw and Winston Smith. Posters by Jon-Paul Bail, Scott Johnson and Jorge Gamboa will be available at the show!
I will be making a very limited online release of my poster on Tuesday, January 23, 2018 at a random time!
Ron Donovan Memorial by Chuck Sperry
18 x 24
Edition of 100
5 colors on cream paper
Signed and Numbered
Sold Out – Thank You!
Other posters will be sold by their respective creators:
Ron Donovan Memorial by Chris Shaw
18 x 24
Edition of 100
3 colors on cream paper
Signed and Numbered
Ron Donovan Memorial by Winston Smith
18 x 24
Edition of 100
5 Colors on cream paper
Signed and Numbered
Ron Donovan Memorial bash – this Sunday!
Memorial For Ron Donovan
SUNDAY JANUARY 21, 2018 – 4:00 PM
Live music by:
MCM & The Monster, Ted Zeppelin, The Jackson Saints, Eddy Jennings
Contributions for the RON DONOVAN LEGACY FUND to:
1600 17TH Street
“Women Rising” Poster for Women’s March 2018
“Women Rising” 2018
18 x 24
Offset Poster
Two-sided / two images
Signed and Numbered Edition of 200
Sold Out – Thank you!
Posters will be distributed in Las Vegas at:
Sam Boyd Stadium
Women’s March Merchandise
7000 East Russell Road
Las Vegas, NV
Posters will be distributed in Washington, DC at:
The Outrage
2439 18th Street NW
Washington, DC
I’ll be making a very limited online release of 200 signed and numbered offset Women’s March 2018 posters on Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at a random time.
Last year’s Women’s March 2017 poster is available HERE • The Outrage donates 100% of all sales of my poster to Planned Parenthood
“We’re exactly one week away from the anniversary of the largest single-day protest in U.S. history. On Sunday, January 21st, we’re gathering in Las Vegas for the official Women’s March Anniversary: Power to the Polls event kicking off our year-long campaign to win in 2018!” – Women’s March 2018
I am very proud to contribute my talents and many thousands of posters to the Women’s March January 21, 2018 in Las Vegas and Washington, DC.
My poster will be available through the official Women’s March merchandise and info point in Las Vegas and in Washington.
It is gratifying to continue in the committed efforts of the women’s movement by working closely with the The Outrage in Washington, DC. The Outrage donates 100% of all sales of my posters to worthy causes, and is working closely with Women’s March, NOW, She Should Run and others to leverage the November 2018 mid-term election and fight back for our future.
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